Hey, I’m Ruchi Kapila (they/she)

I’m a speech-language pathologist (SLP), vocologist (read: voice science person), voice teacher and coach, singer and full-time cat parent who really wants to get to know you.

I have trained as a classical vocalist for over 20 years and have begun training in Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) singing after growing up on alternative, punk, indie, and other forms of rock and pop.

I have experience or trained in:

  • Resonant Voice Therapy

  • Conversation Training Therapy

  • Stretch and Flow Phonation

  • Semi-Occluded Voice Exercises

  • NCVS Trained Vocology

  • SPEAK OUT! by Parkinson’s Voice Project

  • Walt Fritz’ Manual Therapy

  • Gender Affirming Voice

  • PhoRTE

  • Classical Voice

  • McClosky Technique

  • Somatic Voicework Level 1

  • IN PROGRESS: Flexible endoscopy and videostroboscopy (laryngeal imaging and swallow studies)

I am a speech-language pathologist (SLP) licensed in California and Texas and certified by the American-Speech-Language Hearing Association.

My Approach

Whatever your voice goals are, I am here to serve as a guide, companion, and colleague who works with you and meets you where you are at to build a relationship and understanding of your voice in a consensual, judgment-free, grounded and reflective space.


For gender, for neurodivegence, race and cultural identities - I welcome and see all of you and want to regard your voice fully


I will always focus on what you want and need from our work together, whether it is setting goals or keeping them flexible, providing a lot of resources or limiting resources to functional practice activities, connecting you with the best providers I know - you are on my mind and I want you to have cultivated care from me.


Voice work does not need to be fancy, special, and full of jargon you do not understand. I work with you where you are at and help you build voice knowledge that is functional and meaningful for you.


I have dedicated myself to create and cultivate a space where you can be yourself with me, you do not have to perform or mask neurodivergence - I value you as you are and want to connect with you in a real way.