Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initlal sessions will focus on setting goals on your terms, learning about your voice and instrument, meeting you where you’re at and finding what you can start doing to build a relationship with your voice right away.

  • Targeted

    Approaches will focus on what you prioritize and feel motivated by for functional voice practice, mindfulness, counseling, with regular consent-checks to make sure we are focusing on what matters to your most in the moment in the safest way possible.

  • Integrative

    The voice is connected to our wellness, our emotions, our histories, and how we communicate. Our work together requires us to take social, personal, medical, trauma, and other histories into consideration with compassion while meeting your voice on your terms.

Build a relationship with your voice

Connect deeper with yourself and others through voice exploration


  • Get free 15-minute holistic voice discussion

  • Make sure voice services are a good fit

  • Learn general vocal health recommendations

  • See if any referrals are appropriate


What kind of voice and speech-language services do you offer?

Voice Habilitation: Helping your voice feel its best for work, socializing, performance, heavy demands, intimacy, and more

Gender Affirming Voice: Exploring voice through many approaches addressing pitch, resonance, intonation, prosody, counseling from a trauma-informed lens

Voice Therapy: Providing behavioral voice evaluation and interventions to address conditions like vocal nodules, polyps, muscle tension dysphonia, chronic cough, presbyphonia/presbylaryngis, Parkinson’s voice, pre- and post-laryngeal surgical rehabilitation and more

Singing Voice Habilitation and Rehabilitation: Supporting professional vocalists and avocational singers alike in building their voice and instrument to serve their artistic and personal needs for vocal wellness.

What insurances do you accept?

We are currently only private pay, but can offer superbills. We are in the process of insurance credentialing and will update the website according as soon as able.

Do you see client’s in- person of via telehealth?

We primarily see clients via telehealth, but can provide in-home services if needed or desired in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA with an additional travel charge.

Do you offer consultations and trainings for other speech-language pathologists, voice teachers, and other care team providers?

Yes, we frequently present and train in the area of voice, intersectionality, trauma-informed care, and serving Trans and Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) community. Please e-mail directly or use the form to request more information.